Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A World of Pain: 3rd Annual Fest Trivia Answers

Smokey, this is not 'Nam, it's Lebowski DC.

Answers to the 3rd Annual Fest Trivia Quiz (keep in mind creativity counts):

(Haven't taken the quiz yet? Then what are you doing here? You should be here.)

1. Folgers; BONUS-$180; 2. C; 3. 3:00 this afternoon; 4. nyphomania; 5. C; 6. part 1-Karl Hungus; part 2-Uli Koko; BONUS-Slippery Pete; 7. V. I. Lenin with “You look for the person who will benefit…”, John Lennon with “I am the walrus.”, Theodore Hertzl with “If you will it, it is no dream.”, The Ex with “Aitz chaim he.”; 8. Maude; 9. Minnesota; BONUS-Moorehead; 10. Pasadena; 11. On his rug after bowling; at Maude’s (2); in the bathtub; at the bowling alley (2); in the limo; at Jackie Treehorn’s (2); post-coitus with Maude; BONUS-10; 12. Sept. 11, 1991; 13. B; BONUS-two phone books; 14. A; 15. Some chinaman took them from him in Korea; 16. Corvette; BONUS-$30,000 to $40,000; 17. Saddam Hussein; 18. drive around; occasional acid flashback; bowling.; 19. Jesus Quintana and Liam O’Brian; 20. $100,000

High Score: 28 or so (with Bonuses)
Winner: Chris Chase (20.5)

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