Thursday, January 11, 2007

How to Pick up the 7-10 Split

In most cases, Dude, mark it 8

The 7-10 split is the most difficult shot a bowler can face. In this arrangement (right), the two back pins nearest to the gutters are left standing after the first roll.

When picking up the 7-10, it helps to have a good relationship with God. That, or a combination of blindness and convincing friends.

Still, there are three things you can do to help your chances:

The ball should travel on an angle toward the 7 (the 10 if you’re a lefty). A straight roll can only work if it flirts with the gutter the entire time, dropping off at the absolute last moment before impact. Chances are you’ll have more luck flirting with that blond at the bar.

A slow roll might seem more controlled, but it’s also less likely to give the pin maximum ricochet possibility. And it primes you for the biggest let-down of all (besides the blond telling you to shove off): Hitting the 7 pin so slowly that it falls and rolls inches from the 10 without making contact.

The hope is that the 7 pin ricochets off the back wall, stops — in mid air, mind you — pirouettes and just tips into the side of the 10. That, my friend, is one magic roll.

Ever picked up the 7-10? Tell Lebowski DC about it, or any other bowling-related miracles, mishaps, or what-have-yous.

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