Costume Controversy
The costume contest at the 5th Annual Lebowski DC Don't-Call-Me-"Fest"-Or-The-Real-Lebowski-Fest-Will-Call-Lawyers
showed that, whatever they are, this bunch ain't a bunch of amateurs.
After last year's simple, non-controversial choice, this year's decision, was, well, not exactly a lightweight. In the end, the winner ground up some ingenuity, percolated it through some dedication and brewed up a pot of victory. (I won't tell you what he did with the filter.)
But just because the losers are bereaved doesn't make them saps. So, they have their moment, too, in the West Wing.
Vote for your Lebowski Achiever in the comments. I give you, the Top Five:
1. Is there a Ralph's around here?
2. Are you a Lebowski Achiever?
3. Some Chinaman took them from me in Korea.
4. He has health problems.
5. He fixes the cable?